Check out the full ClimateGate-1 FOIA dump!  Search it for all kinds of fun!
Naturally, all the ClimateGate files on this website have been virus/trojan scanned (latest Symantec updates).

Hint:  Try fun keywords & quote-enclosed phrases like:
"hide the decline"
"travesty that we can't"
foia fee
"would not respond"
"eyes only"
"secret data"
If you can read French, you'll be highly amused by searching on "Il aura donc fallu une".  Maybe you'll even respect the French...

Hot!... searchable ClimateGate-2 FOIA dump! - Search it now for even more fun amongst the corrupt!
Note - the only file that is not included in the present dump is an encrypted 137 MB 7-zip file called "all_encrypted.7z".  There are > 220,000 files in that encrypted archive.
"not adept enough"
"delete it"
"look stupid"
"legal action"
"hide the decline"
"delete all emails"
"well hidden"
"find out who"

updated April 7, 2017