October 2006.   I just can't resist the temptation! ...here is the remarkable, totally non-partisan

JWC TradeSports-Based 2006 Mid-Term Senatorial Election Oracle!

Well, given the stunning success of this model during the 2004 Presidential Election, we'll see if it can withstand the rigors of this year's mud-wrestling.  Turn OFF the TV & radio; just check the web-site!

For details of the model, please see its description on the 2004 Model Page.  The basic concept is the same, except only the Class I Senatorial races are being considered in the betting.  That means only the incumbents (17 Democrats, 15  Republicans and 1 Independent) form the basis for the daily calculation.  In other words, the Class II and Class III Senators (terms expiring in 2009 and 2011, respectively) form a constant population of 27 Democrats and 40 Republicans (there are no Independents in either of these classes), with the remaining 33 seats in contention.

Without further ado, here is my daily predicted outcome .

Happy Voting!

November 8th, 2006 recapitulation--

The 110th Congress Senatorial final results are in:
So it looks pretty interesting.  Beginning 30 days in advance of the election, the wagering-based representation of voter intent showed a steady split of 49:49:2 (Republican : Democrat : Independent) for six days.  About 21 days before the election, modest excursions skewed slightly to 51:47:2 for about 13 days.  The ratios then returned to 49:49:2 for the final 5 days up to and through the election.  On the day of the election, low amplitude oscillations occurred (probably driven by frantic contract trading) before settling to the final 49:49:2 result, a curious coda!

See this site for a proper summary of the 2006 Senate race results.