October 2004.  In the interest of my friends who are currently suffering from political frenzy, angst or high-spin-uppedness...here is the remarkable

JWC TradeSports-Based Presidential Election 2004 Oracle!

Right.  Now the facts, please:

TradeSports is a betting site, run from Dublin.  People buy contracts on all sorts of wagers (usually of a sporting nature), including  political outcomes.  Go check their website if you want to know where I get the raw data that is the basis for this trivial exercise.

It happens that TradeSports sells daily betting contracts on the state-by-state outcomes of the Bush vs. Kerry event.  It is perhaps a not-unreasonable hypothesis that people around the world who probably want to make a few shekels on a bet are less biased / engaged in wishful thinking about the outcome of the election; they may care (or know) enough to study a state's political situation sufficiently, and thus make a reasonable assessment of its propensity toward Bush or Kerry.  Whether that hypothesis proves out is ... TBD on 2 November!

Anyhow, here is what leads to my daily predicted outcome that you can see on this graph (remember that 270 electoral votes are needed for either candidate to win)...

The inner product of the 51 element constant vector of state electoral votes (50 states + DC) and the weight vector derived from the time-varying contract bid values as follows:

Note that, although the contract vector definitely changes from day to day, the inner product might not change.  In any case, what you see is a plot of the "free market" electoral vote prediction as a function of day until the election.  Forget those stupid "opinion" polls!

Helpful  Suggestions for people who are still Troubled by the election outcome...

Happy Voting!!!!

November 18, 2004:
Of course, we now know the results of the Election, with Mr. Bush defeating Mr. Kerry and Mr. Nader quite decisively...

Bush:      59,834,866 votes, with 286 Electoral Votes
Kerry:    56,373,514 votes, with 252 Electoral Votes
Nader:         406,940 votes, with 0 Electoral Votes.

See this link for a good map. So the TradeSports-based model actually performed quite well.

One final note.  The dramatic dips seen on November 2 in the late afternoon and early evening were due to the infamous "insider trading" that arose when media people gained access to flawed exit poll results!  I wonder if they lost lots of $$$?

August 6, 2008:
Here is some historical poll data, showing just "how wrong they can be"!  Also see the graph.

The model concept was successfully continued into  2006   2008  2010  and 2012  until the U.S. government shut down TradeSports.